Sunday, December 5, 2010

Translating Henry Draper's will.

Unlike many old wills, the handwriting in Henry Draper's will is very easy to read, so I will not be transcribing the entire will word for word. It is quite lengthy, and has large tracts of boring legal-speak, so I will just be transcribing for this blog those sections that mention family matters.

"In the name of God Amen.
I, Henry Draper the Elder of Enfield in the County of Middlesex, Gentleman, do make this my last will and testament as follows.
I desire my body may be interred in the Friends Burial Ground at Winchmore Hill in the parish of Edmonton in the county of Middlesex close to the side of the coffin of of my late mother Ann Draper where a space of ground is left for that purpose. And I desire that my inside coffin be made of one such elm board and lined with flannel or wool mattrass and sheet, shroud, cap, pillow etc all of fine flannel. I desire my outside coffin to be made of ___ and an half sound English Oak free from sap to have a moulded plinth and lid to be well polished to have four pair of large brass plate lifting handles the inside to be well____ to have a brick grave covered with Yorkshire stone in the usual manner. I desire my funeral to be conducted consistent with the principles of Friends. I also desire and direct that all my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses and the charges of proving this my will be paid and satisfied as soon after my decease as conveniently may be.
I give and devise all that freehold cottage or tenement in Silver Street in the parish of Enfield now in the occupation of Ann Garrett, widow, with the appurtenances unto the said Ann Garrett for and during her life if she shall so long continue a widow and keeping the same in tenantable repair. And from and immediately after her decease or marriage, which ever shall first happen, I give and devise the said cottage and tenement with the appurtenances unto my nephew HENRY DRAPER his heirs and assigns forever.

I give and devise all my freehold messuage or dwellinghouse buildings yard garden and premises situated in Silver Street in Enfield now in my occupation and also those two freehold cottages or tenements in the respective occupations of ___ Matthews, widow, and Elizabeth Keen in Silver Street aforesaid. And also those five cottages at Chase Side in Enfield in the several occupations of Sarah Newman, widow; Sarah Simmons; John Gould; John Burkett and Robert Briden. And also all that piece or parcel of enclosed freehold land situated at Clay Hill in Enfield in the occupation of Edward Harman Eqq. And also all that piece of enclosed freehold land situate on the north east side of the Ridgeway Road in Enfield leading from Enfield Town to Potters bar now in the occupation of Joseph Vaughan. Also that piece of enclosed freehold land situated on the south-west side of the said Ridgeway Road now in the occupation of Benjamin Nott. And also that piece of copyhold land situated on the east side of the Parsonage Lane Road now in the occupation of ___ Saville and all other my freehold and copyhold estates in the parish of Enfield unto my nephew HENRY DRAPER his heirs and assigns to hold the same unto and to the use of the said Henry Draper his heirs and assigns forever.
I give and bequeath all that my leasehold house and premises in Silver Street aforesaid now in the occupation of ____ Cotton and also all stoves, grates, coppers and other fixtures which may be in or about all and every of the said houses and premises at the time of my decease unto my said nephew Henry Draper.

...I give and bequest unto Samuel Compton of the Chase Side in Enfield, Gentleman, and John Catchpole of Winchmore Hill, Edmonton , baker, three thousand pounds three per centum Consolidated Bank Annuities upon the trusts following. That is to say upon Trust to receive and take the interest dividends and annual proceeds thereof and to pay the same unto MY BROTHER DAVID DRAPER for and during the term of his life and after his decease to pay the same to the present wife of the said David Draper and after the decease of the survivor of them yo pay or transfer and divide the sum of eighteen hundred pounds part of the said principal sum or stock of 3000 pounds 3% Consolidated Bank Annuities equally between my said nephews HENRY DRAPER & JAMES DRAPER, sons of my brother DAVID DRAPER; and my nephew DAVID DRAPER son of my late brother JOHN DRAPER, deceased...
...I hereby direct that my said trustees shall stand possessed of the remaining 1200 pounds stock, other part of the said principal stock of 3000 pounds 3 % consolidated bank annuities upon trust to pay the interest , dividends and annual proceeds of moiety thereof unto MY NIECE ANN GARRETT during her life and from her decease transfer one moiety of the said capital stock of 1200 pounds amongst the children or child of the said Ann Garrett...
...unto my NIECE SARAH JELLY wife of Joseph Jelly of Enfield, Baker, during her life and after her decease to the children or child of the said Sarah Jelly....
....I give and bequeath unto my nephews HENRY DRAPER and JAMES DRAPER children of my said brother DAVID DRAPER and my nephew DAVID DRAPER son of my late brother JOHN DRAPER one thousand pounds stock 3 % consolidated bank annuities each. And to my nephews JOSEPH DRAPER and THOMAS DRAPER children of my brother David Draper five hundred pounds 3% consolidated bank annuities each.
....divide 300 pounds 3 % consolidated bank annuities upon trust between MARY, CHARLOTTE and ANN, the three daughters of my LATE NIECE ELIZABETH WAGER at such time and in such proportion as they shall think fit and most advantageous to them.

..I give and bequeath to MY COUSIN MARTHA PLUME wife of James Plume the sum of twenty pounds.
..To my housekeeper MARY ANN LOVE one hundred pounds if she be living with me at the time of my decease.
...To Elizabeth Randall my Servant ten pounds if she be living with me at the time of my decease.
...I give and bequeath to my brother DAVID DRAPER all my wearing apparel, table and other linen.
....I direct that my trustees set apart such funds as will produce by interest or dividends the yearly sum of fifteen pounds sterling and pay the same half yearly into the hands of MY NIECE PRISCILLA HARRIS otherwise PRISCILLA FOOTMAN
...after the decease of Priscilla Harris otherwise half to the said ANN GARRETT during her life and the other to the said SARAH JELLY...
...I give and bequeath unto my said niece SARAH JELLY all such sum and sums of money , if any, that her husband Joseph Jelly may be indebted to me at the time of my decease.
...I appoint the said Samuel Compton and John Catchpole executors of this my will to whom I give and bequeath the sum of fifty pounds sterling each.
...I set my hand this sixth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and twenty four.
Witnesses: Thomas Grant, Enfield
William sawyer, Enfield
Henry Sawyer, Enfield.

A codicil to Henry Draper's will revokes the appointment of Samuel Compton as executor, and also the bequest left to him. Henry appoints instead his nephew Henry Draper the Younger, builder of Enfield. Dated August 9, 1830.

The will was proved on January 17, 1838.

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